You would think that I meant the expression, "Oh Brother!" but what I actually meant was the real thing. I have two brothers, but only one is annoying. His name is Ross. He is training to be a body builder, yikes!!!!!! ( God save me!) Because he likes to punch me. The usual punch, or bop on the head gets annoying!!!!!!!!! There are four things that I could do,( if you have any more please tell me) One is: Run. Two is: tell on him. Three is: Beat him up. And four is: just stay away from him. Well first things first, number One: If you run he runs right after you. number Two: if you tell on him all the time, your parents go crazy!!!! number Three: if you didn't see the picture up there, then you could not possibly understand. and finally last, but not least, Four: we have a small house and we are home-schooled. Now you understand.
Yeah i know your brother,and I would probably try to beat him up if I could,but that probably won't happen.
man he ripped!!!
I think i could take your brother only because I have one of my own
no way, Jess!
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